HFA Retrieval
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Movie 1
Movie 1. High-temporal resolution movie of HFA (64-95 Hz) and theta (3-8Hz) during memory retrieval. For all time windows, all spherical regions that exhibited a significant (t-test across patients; FDR corrected for multiple comparisons; q = 0.05) change in power during memory retrieval compared to baseline are displayed on a three-dimensional brain. Increases and decreases in power are shown in red and blue, respectively. The color scale reflects the percentage of nearby ROIs exhibiting identical encoding-related effects. The horizontal dashed line on the sagittal views corresponds to the level of the axial cut in the third panel (the z = -13.0 plane in Talairach space). Grayscale rendering represents the percentage of spherical regions surrounding a given location with at least five patients. Time window were sequentially concatenated at a frame rate of 50 frames-per-second to create a movie corresponding to 50% of real-time speed.
Movie 2
Movie 2. High-temporal resolution movie of power increases in HFA (64-95 Hz) and theta (3-8Hz) during memory retrieval. This movie was rendered in precisely the same manner as Movie 1, with the exception that the decreases in power have been masked out. Given the fact that the simultaneous increases/decreases in power may be linked, this movie is useful in order to trace these activations across the brain. From the movie, the overall flow of information from (1) an increase in theta power in the right hemisphere to (2) an increase in HFA power in the left hemisphere as well as sub-cortical regions in the MTL and, finally, to (3) an overall increase in HFA in bilateral cortical regions in motor/language areas can be better appreciated.
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